The story of how this team has come together is best shared over a cocktail, it’s an unbelievable story of providence, and we’re proud to tell bits and pieces along the way. It’s a journey that has resulted in a deeply close-knit group of friends and colleagues who have joined this very narrow path of authentic story crafting.
What’s your story?
Brand Shepherd & Storyteller. Avid observer, listener, talker, copy-writer, strategist (careful with that word, it gets us in trouble!), visioneer and relationally driven. Ben is a guy who just loves using business as an excuse to engage people more thoughtfully. For him, Pivotol began as a quest to answer a bundle of unanswered questions from his college days. Since then, he’s worked in a variety of brand, management, marketing and leadership roles within a variety of small businesses, organizations and industries around the USA. He moved from Texas to Maine in 2016, a result of marrying a Mainer. He’s a huge fan of both places! Ben is the managing member of Pivotol.
Discovery Shepherd and Storyteller. He’s a questioning listener with an aptitude for complex ideas, as well as math (go figure). Danny walked into our lives through another one of those strange little side-trails in life, we’ve been grateful for the circumstances that brought us together. Danny has been a school teacher, L’Abri worker and is married to a Hungarian lawyer. If you’re not curious about him by now, you can go back and re-read the last sentence again. He’s got a strategically thoughtful mind, knows how to create safe space for dialogue and deeply cares for other human beings and their stories.
Administration, project management and wrting. Laura has a background in the world of arts and creative writing, and she has used her education for everything from teaching college English to writing really impressive (and grammatical) business emails. She has also spent time at L’Abri, and realized there (among the many other things she realized) that “true wisdom lies not in having all the answers, but in asking the right questions in good company."
She is interested in how each of our lives will tell a story, and while we might not get to choose all the major plot points, we always get to choose how we respond to them. And she wants her story to be a good one.

Other Partners
We work with a carefully curated team of wonderful and loyal designers, developers, copywriters, social media coordinators, and code-writers. You’ll hear us talk about them often!
Our team can grow with the project. Isn’t that nice?